Friday, October 7, 2011

Pregnancy Pics and such

I have been really bad at taking pictures of my stomach this pregnancy. I took them at least every 2 weeks last time and I've only taken pics twice so far this time. I am currently 16 weeks along, but the pictures posted below are of me when I was 13 or 14 weeks (yeah I can't even remember for sure.. sad). I find myself being less obsessive with it all this time, which I know just has to do with the fact that Lydia keeps me busy busy busy. I felt the first flutterings of movement last week and now I feel them fairly often (several times a day, especially when lying down). Very exciting!

As many of you may remember, I had some problems with early effacement, which with standing and the laws of gravity, caused preterm labor. Well, this time around we are going to try our best to avoid that happening. The doctor prescribed a progesterone shot every week starting at week 16 and going through week 32. This shot will help to thicken my uterus, hence hopefully avoiding the effacement issues of last time. I had mixed feelings about having to drive to the doctor every week, with Lydia in tow. But my doc said that they typically will let the patient take the needles and meds home and have someone I know do it for me. haha. Of course, assuming I knew anyone who had any knowledge of human anatomy and medical instruments. Well, it just so happens that my husband knows a thing or two along those lines. But he has never actually given injections before. So, I get to be his guinea pig. Luckily he doesn't have to try and find a vein or anything, the needle goes straight into my muscle (like a flu shot.. only it doesn't go into my arm.. ;) ). The first shot was yesterday and we actually had the nurse show us how to do it and Derek will begin doing it next week. I have faith in him. And he is confident he can do it, no problem. Ask me how I feel next week as he's preparing to do it.. haha. The liquid is sort of thick, it's the consistency of olive oil and quite uncomfortable having it forced into skin (it's not as bad as the steroid shots though, luckily).

Anyway, I just thought I'd share this knew adventure with you all and hopefully it has the results we are looking for. :)


Brett and Nikki said...

Girl, I understand! I have to do shots twice a day and have had to do it through the whole pregnancy! It stinks, but as long as it helps you and the baby, right? Let me just say though... just because Derek has some medical experience doesn't mean he'll be a good shot giver :) Brett, bless his heart, was "fired" a few months ago and I just do it myself now :) Good luck!

Derek and Kori said...

Last night was his first time doing it and he really did good! I was completely freaking out of course, but he got me through it. haha. I can not imagine giving them to myself.. that's where medical stuff and me just don't mix. What are your shots for?

Stephs Story said...

Thanks for inviting me to your blog! It's so great to hear the latest and greatest in your life! Congrats on the pregnancy and how well it's going so far! I hope things continue to go well for you!

Brett and Nikki said...

My shots are blood thinners. It's a preventative measure so I don't get another blood clot. I get to do this with every pregnancy I have from here on out.... awesome :) I'm glad the first one went so well-- maybe Derek can give Brett a few pointers :)