Monday, March 10, 2014

How is it Possible??

How can it possibly be that my boy is already 2 years old??  Two posts below this is the one about his birth. That should give you an idea how often I get on here. (oops)  But I started the New Year with the goal to use my blog (and as most of us know the rule about New Years resolutions is that you either (a) start your resolution right off on January 1st and by January 14th you have puttered out or (b) still don't feel ready to start your New Years resolution and therefore don't start til March). Ironically, in my experience, the only resolutions that stick for me are of the (b) category. I'm rarely truly ready to commit to my resolutions at the first of the year. Perhaps it's because change doesn't always happen when it's convenient or when we want it to. We have to have a "change of heart". What ultimately helps us to improve ourselves is being sick of the way we have been doing something. We need to see for ourselves that there is a better way to do something and fully commit to becoming that way. I have had that change of heart in regards to a small number of things and I am officially committed. (go me!)

We spent my little boy's birthday morning at a small regional conference for my church (known widely as the Mormon Church - though that's just a nickname) called a Stake Conference. A Stake is made up of 5-8 wards (congregations). We have our Stake Conference twice a year and it's always uplifting and inspiring to hear from leaders and fellow members. Anyway, it only happens every few years that a birthday lands on a Sunday and it's unique and wonderful to be able to attend a church meeting as part of a birthday celebration. A couple messages and thoughts from that meeting:

Cutie pie
1) "Parenting isn't about raising perfect children. It's about raising perfect parents." We can't control or force our children to make the choices that are best, but we can control how we parent. Being a good  parent and improving ourselves daily will naturally encourage our children to be their own best selves. As parents we can invoke the powers of heaven on behalf of our children.

2) A quote about mothers was used: “Do the best you can through these years, but whatever else you do, cherish that role that is so uniquely yours and for which heaven itself sends angels to watch over you and your little ones. …“Yours is the work of salvation, and therefore you will be magnified, compensated, made more than you are and better than you have ever been as you try to make honest effort, however feeble you may sometimes feel that to be.”  –Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, “Because She Is a Mother”
(italics added)

3) Be someone the Lord can rely on. Have integrity and do what I say I will do.

4) This life isn't about passing a test and checking off a list. It's about becoming.

These and many more encouraging and empowering thoughts give me fuel for this coming week. Have a great Monday everyone!


Chelsea said...

I can't believe he is two, either! Happy birthday, big boy! I needed those quotes about parenting today--thank you! :)

Beka and Eric Sorensen said...

So glad to see an update from you guys. We miss you so much and have wondered what is going on in Colorado! Can't wait to hear more :)