Many many things.
Since moving to Provo we've settled into a new house, I'm in my final year and Kori's still chipping away at ASL. I now have a job and a clinical internship so I'm staying very busy.
Kori still babysits fo
We've had it confirmed 3 times that baby Hayden is going to be a girl too! Just look at that belly! At our first ultrasound the doctor said that she was measuring normal for everything but her femur, it was about a week smaller than the rest of her. This months visit was with a new doctor and so they did another ultrasound where e
Yes, it's true, bro! I think it hit me long before it hit Jake, probably because I was the one who could feel the kicks and punches, was growing out of my clothes, was cranky and tired and hungry, and had to visit the bathroom seventeen times an hour. But the bigger I got and the closer the due date became, the more it seemed to dawn on Jake. The holidays will fly and she'll be the queen of your home before you know it!
Holy Bogeeboes, (figure that one out:) )
You are soo cute, you're getting huge, I mean as big as only you can get. Don't you love feeling your little girl move in there. The Branch is great, and YW's misses you. Katie Adams is the new chica. But we still miss you immensely!!! Sing Dirty Dancing songs to your little one for me.
HEY! This is Jami (Hathaway) Anderton! I found your blogspot on Kristie Lou's blog! I hope you don't mind me peekin! Kori's tummy looks so big and cute already!! Tee hee. I'm so stinkin' excited for you guys! Congrats a whole bunch! P.S. If you'd like to view my blog, send your email to and I'll add you to my viewers!
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