Monday, April 12, 2010

Parenting 101: Figuring out the Sleeping thing..

So, we are in the process of training little Lydi-bug to fall asleep on her own - in her bassinet. She is a mover and is happiest when someone is holding her and walking around. If you stop walking she knows and will let you know she does not approve. She also prefers to fall asleep this way, which is understandable, and she's only 3 months old, so why shouldn't we indulge her! We do. :)

But we have begun to phase her into "self comforting." We will just place her in her bed when she's sleepy but not asleep and let her try to fall asleep that way. It has actually worked several times. The funny part is - I have such a hard time letting her make her little noises and tired little fussy sounds and not jump up and hold her. The idea of letting the baby fall asleep on her own sounds like it would allow me to rest more, but I mostly just lay there until I know she's asleep anyway. haha. Last night was quite amazing though. She fell asleep in her bed around 11:00 then woke up at 3:00 to eat then fell back asleep at 4:00 and didn't wake up until 7:00! Now that may not sound that amazing, but it is! The reason is: she always sleeps pretty good until her 3 am feeding. Then I pull her into bed with me and feed her... at which point we both fall asleep, and then it is off and on feeding her and falling asleep for the rest of night. Last night, however, I got up and sat in the glider next to my bed ( like I always tell myself I will) and fed her there. Then when she was done eating I put her back in her own bed and she slept there on her own! Woo!! I was so proud of her! This is not to say that I know her sleep patterns have made a permanent change and she will sleep soundly in her own bed from now... I'm not that naive :). However, it is a step in the right direction and will probably happen more often now.


Chelsea said...

SO CUTE!! I love her little smile. And even though her sleep patterns might not automatically be changed after last night, at least there is hope that it is possible for her to sleep well! The end is in sight and getting nearer every day. Hang in there!

Katie Adams {Blog} said...

How look so cute especially next to that adorable baby girl. You gys get all of this stuff figured out so you can teach me!!

Brett and Nikki said...

She is getting so big! Isn't it crazy how fast the time goes? She's stinking adorable! I'm glad that you're getting the hang of the whole sleep thing.... it's a whole new world when they get the whole "sleeping through the night" down. Ah, I can't wait to see her!