Monday, September 6, 2010

Mommy Brain...

I've had several "I'm losing my mind" moments lately. Basically, I just think my brain is so preoccupied. I'm never thinking about what I'm doing.. my mind is somewhere else. This morning I put conditioner on my loofa instead of soap. And a couple days ago I went downstairs with a hamper of dirty clothes to put in the washer. So, I put the clothes that were in the washer into the dryer. Then, inexplicably, I picked up the hamper of dirty clothes and started walking back up the stairs. I got halfway up the stairs when I realized I not only didn't push start on the dryer.. but I didn't put the clothes from hamper into the washer! Oh dear..


Kristie said...

I totally understand! I do stuff like that all time!

Jamilyn said...

I also do that stuff all the time, and I don't even have a child yet!! lol

My word verification is "comickl" ... comical! Perfect. I thought it was funny anyway! :D