My sis-in-law Chelsea hooked us up with a couple boxes of peaches, and so Derek and I spent Monday canning them. I have never canned before. Derek remembers helping out as a kid, so he was the knowledgeable one on this one. We canned 6 quarts and 6 pints of peaches, 6 quarts of peach pie filling, 6 pints of peach salsa, and 10 jars of peach freezer jam. Things went well for the most part. Except that in our first batch of peaches a jar exploded. Ok.. that's an exageration. See picture below. The bottom just blew out when I put in the bath. And.... then there was the fact that some of our jars didn't seal, so we then turned those peaches into the pie filling and jam. Haha. It all looks so good!

The jar that exploded :)

Yum! :)
Nice :) Glad to see you guys being so resourceful!
Who's Martha Stewart now?? That all looks amazing! Were you totally dead by the end of the day? Canning... at least you get a great reward for a seriously stressful day :)
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