Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Money Saving Mom

I stole that title from a blog I go to frequently nowadays. I have caught the"coupon bug." Let me tell you, it can get confusing and very time consuming, but it is paying off. For example, Smith's is having a sale this week, and so I am taking advantage of it. I've gone and found coupons for all but 1 thing on my list.
Without the sale and without the coupons I'd be spending $28.33 (probably more since that total takes into account my smith's savings card).
If I were to take advantage of just the sale without the coupons I'd spend $21.92.
BUT with my coupons, ladies and gentlemen, I will be spending $14.55.
That's a huge savings and I'm getting quite a bit. I'll take a pic of it tomorrow to show what I got.

It feels to good to contribute to our finances in some way. I started learning the ropes from my sister-in-law and cousin-in-law. Now my coupons are organized and it will get easier from now on I think.

Here are a couple sites I go to if anyone is interested:


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